Behind the Scenes
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On a Mission of Connexion

Spouse Connexion was born out of a desire to inspire and connect military spouses everywhere! We provide an online magazine style platform, designed specifically for modern military spouses to come learn, grow and inspire deeper connections with each other and those in their communities.

It was back in 2014 that I set out on a mission to connect military spouses. We were at Fort Bragg for the second time and I was inspired by all the women of Milspo Project. After talking with numerous military spouses, I realized that there was no centralized place for military spouses to learn more about each other and to get connected to their communities.

I had so many ideas and put my pen to paper to make the ideas a reality. In September of 2016 I won a trip to Milspo Project’s annual Embark event for military spouse entrepreneurs and it was there that I felt the calling to do what my heart desired. I talked to some amazing spouses doing amazing things to forward the military spouse life. I promoted the idea of Spouse Connexion and two months later, on November 6, 2016 I launched the site featuring incredible spouses and businesses.

The mission was simple- to inspire and connect YOU, the military spouses, through powerful and inspirational stories. I meet such wonderful women everyday and I knew I had to do more to connect everyone.

In this journey I am finding where I can leverage who and what I know. I am hearing more and more that military spouses feel disconnected from the communities that they live in…if living off post. So, ideas are once again flowing to fill in that need. We are working to include a quarterly print eXplore series: navigating the areas surrounding the base and will solicit for military spouse area ambassadors and contributors. Be on the look out for more information as we grow!

In the meantime, enjoy the stories and I hope you learn, grow and connect!

If you are interested in joining our team or have a story to share, contact us!


Sonia at Spouse Connexion

Filed under: Behind the Scenes


Sonia Garza is a proud Green Beret wife, mother to two and Founder and Editor of Spouse Connexion. A journalist by trade with a Bachelor of Arts in Communications/Journalism-Public Relations and a Masters of Science in Nonprofit Management, her passion for writing has led her to write for print and online publications spanning from the West Coast to the East Coast, including local and on-post newspapers, lifestyle magazines and military spouse blogs. Her background includes event management and community development in the nonprofit sector and her passion is connecting military spouses to each other and to their communities. She is on a mission to spotlight amazing military spouses and inspire others to learn, grow and connect with each other to live their best military life. Like Spouse Connexion on facebook at www.facebook/spouseconnexion.


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