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Ask Richelle: How do I find “Me Time”?

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Tackling Topics That Matter:

Welcome to our first installment of “Weigh In”….our new advice column. We polled our Facebook group members and asked them to weigh in with issues they are currently dealing with inside our community. Hoping to provide support and connexion we decided to tackle some of these common issues in a new column. I hope you find value in our first installment and we welcome you to continue to weigh in with comments on your tips, advice, and opinions.

Lauren asks:

“How the heck to find ‘me’ time when the guys are always gone–even when they are home. I need to distress! I’m too tired by the end of the day and my sleep is too important in the morning before the kids get up.

Richelle replies:


I feel your frustration. As I look around at the moms I know, I see a handful of moms who seem to have it figured out and then there is the rest of us. Those who are convinced those other moms either have a way more competent support system or have resolved that one of their kids will eventually make the news in some horrifying ‘we set up a GOFund me account for the family’ sort of way.

I personally think there is an in between area for the rest of us who are not so versed at making it to work, the gym, drinks with friends, and still posting some Pinterest worthy crap (I mean craft) project they did with their kids that looks beautiful on their Instagram account.

The truth is, you have to set clear boundaries around the time you need and not budge. I understand as a generation of sacrificing moms this is hard for us, but there is just no other way. Whatever the emergency is that is trying to creep into your set time can wait. I have been guilty of making a schedule for the gym, and as soon as my husband needs to run errands or anything else, I say “Fine” and give up my time for the good of the issue. I get to play martyr but in reality, my brain gave me an out of the gym and I took it. Your time has to be consistent and you have to be committed to following through every time even if what you are doing changes. With your resolve, your family will adjust.


Richelle Futch, MSW

Spouse Connexion Advice Columnist

Need more advice on finding “Me Time”? Click here to read her 6 Tips to Finding Me Time. Interested in contributing a story? Join our Team or contact us today!

Filed under: Advice Column


Richelle Futch, MSW is a clinical social worker and MILSPOUSE, who specializes in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). She is the author of the upcoming book Her Ruck: Inside the Emotional Backpack of Military Wives. She is currently leading workshops under the same title which helps Military Spouses recognize and reduce the stress in their lives along with other helpful skills. Follow her on Facebook at

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