Author: Richelle Futch

Me Time

6 Tips to Finding Me Time

Oh the mythical me time. Is this really a thing? We have to wonder if it really exists because we can go days and even months without seeing it for ourselves. This is not only a problem for military spouses but for moms everywhere. Studies are showing that women are less happy today than they have been over the last 40 years. The pressure for us to have it all, and be it all has taken its toll. During my recent ‘ME’ time venture of staying up way to late once everyone was finally asleep and zoning into a Super Girl marathon on Netflix I heard the following and thought this totally applies to what we are discussing: Supergirl (aka Kara) asks her boss Cat: “How do you juggle it all?” Cat replies: “Oh, Keira (always mispronouncing her name). You have just stumbled upon the most annoying question of the century, and you are so young that you do not even realize it. How do you juggle it all? You learn, that’s how. You start …

Crisis Survival Skills

7 Crisis Survival Skills For Military Spouses

As military spouses in a country who has been at war for over 15 years, we understand what it is like to live in perpetual crisis. Our spouses when not on one of their multiple combat deployments, are often off training for the next deployment. Difficult and important decisions are sprung upon us with no notice and we are expected to survive the difficulty with flexibility and grace; but, let’s be real. We all have those not so flexible or graceful moments where we are convinced we are one step away from being featured in an episode of Snapped. They say, those who do not bend break. My husband’s employer has unbelievable control over my life. I bend a lot. I bend and I bend and for the sake of my own back, sometimes I don’t want to bend anymore! My ‘snapped’ moments come more often when my husband is deployed. The totality of circumstances takes me emotionally over the edge. Suicide, unreported child abuse, and exceptionally high divorce rates are real statistics we face …

Say No

Ask Richelle: How do I Say No?

Tackling Topics That Matter: Welcome to our installment of “Weigh In”….our new advice column. We polled our Facebook group members and asked them to weigh in with issues they are currently dealing with inside our community. Hoping to provide support and connexion we decided to tackle some of these common issues in a new column. I hope you find value in our first installment and we welcome you to continue to weigh in with comments on your tips, advice, and opinions. Lauren Asks: How do you say no? I struggle with learning to say no. I know I can’t be at every event all the time, but learning the needed grace to decline an invitation is an art form. Richelle replies: Dear Lauren, To make the ‘n’ sound, place the tip of your tongue just behind your teeth as you lower your jaw a bit, leaving a small gap between your teeth. In this position, your mouth is all set to start producing n’s! For the long o sound, your lips begin in a rounded …

me time 2

Ask Richelle: How do I find “Me Time”?

Tackling Topics That Matter: Welcome to our first installment of “Weigh In”….our new advice column. We polled our Facebook group members and asked them to weigh in with issues they are currently dealing with inside our community. Hoping to provide support and connexion we decided to tackle some of these common issues in a new column. I hope you find value in our first installment and we welcome you to continue to weigh in with comments on your tips, advice, and opinions. Lauren asks: “How the heck to find ‘me’ time when the guys are always gone–even when they are home. I need to distress! I’m too tired by the end of the day and my sleep is too important in the morning before the kids get up. Richelle replies: Lauren, I feel your frustration. As I look around at the moms I know, I see a handful of moms who seem to have it figured out and then there is the rest of us. Those who are convinced those other moms either have a …